NOTE: Capture of log output started.
11   proc options;
12   run;

    SAS (r) Proprietary Software Release 6.12  TS020


 NOBATCH           Use batch mode default system options
 BUFNO=3           Number of buffers to use for each SAS data set
 BUFSIZE=0         Size of internal I/O buffer
 BYERR             Null by list/stmt on _NULL_ input data sets an error?
 BYLINE            Print the by-line for at the beginning of each by-group?
 NOCAPS            Translate quoted strings and titles to upper case?
 NOCARDIMAGE       SAS source lines are processed as 80-byte cards
 CATCACHE=0        Requested number of cached SAS catalogs
 CBUFNO=0          Number of buffers to use for each SAS catalog
 CENTER            Center SAS output?
 NOCHARCODE        Represent special symbols with alternate characters?
 CLEANUP           Try to recover from an out-of-resource condition?
 NOCMDMAC          Command line commands scanned for implicit invocation of 'cmd' macro?
 COMPRESS=NO       Compress observations in created datasets?
 CPUID             Print CPU information at the top of log?
 DATE              Date printed in title?
 NODBCS            Support Japanese, Chinese, Korean and other languages that use double-byte
                   character sets?
 DBCSLANG=         Double byte character set language
 DBCSTYPE=PCIBM    Double byte character set collating sequence
 NODETAILS         Obtain and display additional information with directory lists?
 DEVICE=           Graphics device name
 DFLANG=ENGLISH    Selects language for EURDF date/time formats and informats.
 DKRICOND=ERROR    Action for DROP/KEEP/RENAME error conditions on input data sets.
 DKROCOND=WARN     Action for DROP/KEEP/RENAME error conditions on output data sets.
 NODMR             Invoke a remote version of Display Manager for use with SAS/CONNECT?
 DMS               Invoke the Display Manager?
 NODMSBATCH        Use batch mode for DMS?
 DSNFERR           Treat data set not found as an error or set ds to _NULL_?
 NOECHOAUTO        Echo AUTOEXEC input to log?
 ENGINE=V612       Default access method for SAS libraries
 NOERRORABEND      Abend on error conditions?
 ERRORCHECK=NORMAL Level of special error processing to be performed.
 ERRORS=20         Maximum number of observations with error messages
 FIRSTOBS=1        First observation of each data set to be processed
 FMTERR            Treat missing format or informat as an error?
 FMTSEARCH=        List of catalogs for format search.
                   Specifies the formatting characters for the print device
 FORMDLIM=         Delimiter character for page separation
 FORMS=DEFAULT     Default form for PRINT command
 GWINDOW           Graphics output put in a DMS window?
 HELPENV=WIN       Specify help environment to use during SAS session.
                   Specify help environment text and index files.
 NOIMPLMAC         SAS statements scanned for implicit invocation of a 'STMT' macro?
 INITCMD=          Initial display manager command(s).
 INITSTMT=         Initial statement(s) executed before SYSIN
 INVALIDDATA=.     Missing value for invalid data
 LABEL             Allow procedures to use variable labels?
 LINESIZE=96       Line size for printed output
 MACRO             Perform macro processing?
                   Libname of map datasets
 MAUTOSOURCE       Allow SAS macro automatic call from source library?
 MERROR            Treat apparent undefined macro references as an error?
 MISSING=.         Character printed to represent numeric missing values
 NOMLOGIC          Trace macro execution?
 NOMPRINT          Print macro facility results in a synthetic compressed form?
 NOMRECALL         Attempt to look up autocall macros which were not found previously?
 NOMSGCASE         All messages in message files are upper-case?
 MSGLEVEL=N        Print informatory messages? Valid values are I and N
 NOMSTORED         Use stored compiled macros?
                   Maximum allocation for macro table.
 NOMULTENVAPPL     Multiple environment SAS application support.
 MVARSIZE=4096     Maximum allocation for macro symbols.
 NEWS=             Filename of news to be written to the log.
 NOTES             Print SAS notes on log?
 NUMBER            Print page number on each page of SAS output?
 OBS=MAX           Number of last observation to be processed
 NOOVP             Allow SAS printed output lines to be overprinted?
 PAGENO=1          Resets the current page number on the print file
 PAGESIZE=54       Number of lines printed per page of output
 PARM=             Parm for external programs
                   Logical name for PARMCARDS
 NOPRINTINIT       SAS print file initialized?
 PROBSIG=0         Number of significant figures guaranteed when printing P-values
 PROC              Allow external program invocation via PROC statement?
 REMOTE=           Remote session id for use with SAS/CONNECT
 REPLACE           Allow replacement of permanent SAS data sets?
 REUSE=NO          Reuse Space when adding records to a compressed SAS Data Set?
 NORSASUSER        Open the SASUSER library as READONLY.
 S=0               Source statement length
 S2=0              %INCLUDE statement length
                   Specify SAS sample files, in help environment format.
 SASAUTOS=SASAUTOS Filename of automatic call library for source macros
 SASFRSCR=_LN00020 Fileref assigned to location of SAS/CONNECT script files.
 SASHELP=(                  !SASFOLDER\SASCFG                  !sasext0\af\sashelp
    !sasext0\assist\sashelp                  !sasext0\base\sashelp
!sasext0\calc\sashelp                  !sasext0\sascbt\sashelp
!sasext0\connect\sashelp                  !sasroot\core\sashelp
!sasext0\access\sashelp                  !sasext0\eis\sashelp
!sasext0\english\sashelp                  !sasext0\ets\sashelp
!sasext0\fsp\sashelp                  !sasext0\gis\sashelp
!sasext0\graph\sashelp                  !sasext0\iml\sashelp
!sasext0\insight\sashelp                  !sasext0\lab\sashelp
!sasext0\maps\sashelp                  !sasext0\mddbserv\sashelp
!sasext0\or\sashelp                  !sasext0\qc\sashelp
!sasext0\reinstal\sashelp                  !sasext0\share\sashelp
!sasext0\stat\sashelp                  !sasext0\sview\sashelp
!sasext0\toolkt\sashelp                  !sasext0\usage\sashelp                 )
                   Libname of SAS system catalog library
 SASMSG=(                  !sasext0\af\sasmsg                  !sasext0\assist\sasmsg
       !sasext0\base\sasmsg                  !sasext0\calc\sasmsg
!sasext0\sascbt\sasmsg                  !sasext0\connect\sasmsg
!sasroot\core\sasmsg                  !sasext0\access\sasmsg
!sasext0\eis\sasmsg                  !sasext0\english\sasmsg
!sasext0\ets\sasmsg                  !sasext0\fsp\sasmsg                  !sasext0\gis\sasmsg
               !sasext0\graph\sasmsg                  !sasext0\iml\sasmsg
!sasext0\insight\sasmsg                  !sasext0\lab\sasmsg
!sasext0\maps\sasmsg                  !sasext0\mddbserv\sasmsg
!sasext0\or\sasmsg                  !sasext0\qc\sasmsg
!sasext0\reinstal\sasmsg                  !sasext0\share\sasmsg
!sasext0\stat\sasmsg                  !sasext0\sview\sasmsg
!sasext0\toolkt\sasmsg                  !sasext0\usage\sasmsg                 )
                   Filename for message library
 SASMSTORE=        Libname for SAS data library containing SAS compiled stored macro catalog
                   Location of SAS/CONNECT script files.
                   Libname for SAS data library containing user profile catalog
 SEQ=8             Number of numeric digits in sequence numbers
 SERROR            Consider undefined macro variable references an error?
 NOSETINIT         Update site validation data via proc setinit or setinit window?
                   Filename of site information
 SKIP=0            Number of lines to skip before title.
 SORTSEQ=          Collating sequence to be used for sorting.
 SORTSIZE=2097152  Size parameter for sort.
 SOURCE            List SAS source statements on log?
 NOSOURCE2         List included SAS source statements on log?
 SPOOL             Spool SAS statements entered at terminal to utility file?
 NOSYMBOLGEN       Print symbolic replacement text?
 SYSPARM=          Value return by the SYSPARM() function
 TAPECLOSE=REREAD  Close disposition (volume positioning) for tape data libraries
 TBUFSIZE=0        Message transmission size for SAS/CONNECT and SAS/SHARE.
 TERMINAL          Is a terminal available?
 TRANTAB=          Names of translate tables.
 USER=             Default libname for all one-level SAS data set names
 VNFERR            Treat variable not found on _NULL_ data set as error?
                   Libname for WORK library
 WORKINIT          Erase WORK library at SAS invocation?
 WORKTERM          Erase WORK library at SAS termination time?
 YEARCUTOFF=1900   Cutoff year for DATE7. informat
 _LAST_=_NULL_     Last data set created


 ALTLOG=           Specify an alternate log file in dms mode or batch mode.
 ALTPRINT=         Specify an alternate print file in dms mode or batch mode.
 AUTHSERVER=       Specify the authentication domain or server.
 AUTOEXEC=         Specify a substitute AUTOEXEC file.
                   Specify settings for SAS AWS.
 AWSDEF=(  0   0  87 100)
                   Specify initial size and position of application work space.
 AWSMENU           Specify to show the sas aws menu bar.
 AWSMENUMERGE      Include host specific items in the main menu.
 AWSTITLE=         Specify the text string for SAS AWS title bar.
 CODEGEN           Generate data step code instead of interpreting.
 COMAMID=TCP       Specify primary communication access method id.
 COMAUX1=          Specify auxiliary 1 communication access method id.
 COMAUX2=          Specify auxiliary 2 communication access method id.
                   Command dialog display location.
                   Specify a substitute CONFIG file.
 ECHO=             Echo a specific message to the terminal.
 EMAILDLG=NATIVE   Specify which e-mail dialog to use (SAS or e-mail vendor's Native dialog).
 EMAILID=          Specify the login id to be used for e-mail messages.
 EMAILPW=          Specify the login password to be used for e-mail messages.
 EMAILSERVER=      Specify the email server.
 EMAILSYS=MAPI     Specify which e-mail driver to use.
 NOEXITWINDOWS     Specify to close Windows session after sas terminates.
 FONT=(Sasfont  8) Specify facename and ptsize to use as the default dms font.
 FONTALIAS=        Specify an alias for a portable SAS font.
 NOFULLSTIMER      Print timing information and system performance statistics.
 HONORAPPEARANCE   Dynamically update window colors based on control panel settings.
 HOSTPRINT         Use the host printing interface.
 NOICON            During startup, allows application work space to be iconed.
 NOLOADLIST        Display full path of image names when loaded and purged.
 LOG=              Specify the LOG file for batch mode.
 NUMKEYS=12        Specify number of function keys.
 NUMMOUSEKEYS=3    Specify number of mouse keys.
                   Specify one of any number of search paths.
                   Specify the SAS System DLL search path.
 PFKEY=WIN         Key mappings.
 PRINT=            Specify the PRINT file for batch mode.
 PROCLEAVE=30K     Amount of memory to be reserved for procedures when an out-of-memory
                   condition has almost been reached.
 REGISTER=         Specify application (EXE, COM) to be launched from sas AWS menu.
 RTRACE=           Enable file resource tracking.
 RTRACELOC=        Specify output file for resource tracking system.
                   Specify to start up with system menu and min/max button.
 SET=(FT15F001 'FT15F001.DAT')
 SET=(CBT101 !sasext0\sascbt\cbt101)
 SET=(CBT102 !sasext0\sascbt\cbt102)
 SET=(CBT103 !sasext0\sascbt\cbt103)
 SET=(CBT104 !sasext0\sascbt\cbt104)
 SET=(CBT105 !sasext0\sascbt\cbt105)
 SET=(CBT106 !sasext0\sascbt\cbt106)
 SET=(EISIMAGE !sasext0\eis\sasmisc)
 SET=(SASSAML !sasext0\share\sasmacro\)
 SET=(SASAUTOS (                  !sasext0\af\sasmacro
                   !sasext0\assist\sasmacro                  !sasext0\base\sasmacro
                        !sasext0\calc\sasmacro                  !sasext0\sascbt\sasmacro
                             !sasext0\connect\sasmacro                  !sasroot\core\sasmacro
                   !sasext0\eis\sasmacro                  !sasext0\english\sasmacro
                        !sasext0\ets\sasmacro                  !sasext0\fsp\sasmacro
                         !sasext0\gis\sasmacro                  !sasext0\graph\sasmacro
                            !sasext0\iml\sasmacro                  !sasext0\insight\sasmacro
                                 !sasext0\lab\sasmacro                  !sasext0\maps\sasmacro
                   !sasext0\or\sasmacro                  !sasext0\qc\sasmacro
                   !sasext0\reinstal\sasmacro                  !sasext0\share\sasmacro
                           !sasext0\stat\sasmacro                  !sasext0\sview\sasmacro
                   !sasext0\usage\sasmacro                 ))
 SET=(SAMPSIO (                  !sasext0\af\sample                  !sasext0\assist\sample
                                !sasext0\base\sample                  !sasext0\calc\sample
                               !sasext0\sascbt\sample                  !sasext0\connect\sample
                                   !sasroot\core\sample                  !sasext0\access\sample
                   !sasext0\english\sample                  !sasext0\ets\sample
                    !sasext0\fsp\sample                  !sasext0\gis\sample
                   !sasext0\graph\sample                  !sasext0\iml\sample
                   !sasext0\insight\sample                  !sasext0\lab\sample
                    !sasext0\maps\sample                  !sasext0\mddbserv\sample
                       !sasext0\or\sample                  !sasext0\qc\sample
                   !sasext0\reinstal\sample                  !sasext0\share\sample
                       !sasext0\stat\sample                  !sasext0\sview\sample
                       !sasext0\toolkt\sample                  !sasext0\usage\sample
 SET=(SAMPSRC (                  !sasext0\af\sample                  !sasext0\assist\sample
                                !sasext0\base\sample                  !sasext0\calc\sample
                               !sasext0\sascbt\sample                  !sasext0\connect\sample
                                   !sasroot\core\sample                  !sasext0\access\sample
                   !sasext0\english\sample                  !sasext0\ets\sample
                    !sasext0\fsp\sample                  !sasext0\gis\sample
                   !sasext0\graph\sample                  !sasext0\iml\sample
                   !sasext0\insight\sample                  !sasext0\lab\sample
                    !sasext0\maps\sample                  !sasext0\mddbserv\sample
                       !sasext0\or\sample                  !sasext0\qc\sample
                   !sasext0\reinstal\sample                  !sasext0\share\sample
                       !sasext0\stat\sample                  !sasext0\sview\sample
                       !sasext0\toolkt\sample                  !sasext0\usage\sample
 SET=(INSTALL (                  !sasext0\af\sastest                  !sasext0\assist\sastest
                                  !sasext0\base\sastest                  !sasext0\calc\sastest
                   !sasext0\connect\sastest                  !sasroot\core\sastest
                       !sasext0\access\sastest                  !sasext0\eis\sastest
                         !sasext0\english\sastest                  !sasext0\ets\sastest
                            !sasext0\fsp\sastest                  !sasext0\gis\sastest
                           !sasext0\graph\sastest                  !sasext0\iml\sastest
                            !sasext0\insight\sastest                  !sasext0\lab\sastest
                               !sasext0\maps\sastest                  !sasext0\mddbserv\sastest
                                    !sasext0\or\sastest                  !sasext0\qc\sastest
                   !sasext0\share\sastest                  !sasext0\stat\sastest
                     !sasext0\sview\sastest                  !sasext0\toolkt\sastest
                         !sasext0\usage\sastest                 ))
                   Define the SAS system variable.
 SETCOMM=          Source of comm port settings.
 SORTPGM=SAS       Name of sort program. (BEST, HOST or SAS)
 SPLASH            Display splash screen at initialization.
 SPLASHLOCATION=   Specify the location of the initial splash screen.
 STIMER            Print timing information after each step.
 SYSIN=            Specify a batch mode SOURCE file.
 SYSLEAVE=15K      Amount of memory to be reserved for system out-of-memory condition.
 SYSPRINT=(\\Ntserv\1200c HP DeskJet 1200C (MS))
                   Specify file or device for printer.
 SYSPRINTFONT=     Specify the font for printer.
                   Toolbox display location.
 USERICON=         Specify usericon resource file and maximum number of usericons.
 NOVERBOSE         Display the config options to the terminal.
 WINCHARSET=ANSI   Specify the character set (OEM or ANSI) for Windows to use.
 XSYNC             Specify to run X command synchronously.
 XWAIT             Specify that the X command is to wait.
NOTE: The PROCEDURE OPTIONS used 0.11 seconds.

13   %out2htm(htmlfile="c:\workshop\w158\proc_opt.htm",
14            capture=off,
15            window=log,
16            openmode=replace,
17            bgtype=image,
18            bg='file:///C|/workshop/w158/goku.gif',
19            dcolor=red,
20            tcolor=red,
21            hcolor=pink,
22            runmode=b);