MWSUG 1995Fun with IML: For Database ApplicationsEX1.SAS - SAS example program to solve problem using IML.EX2.SAS - SAS example program to solve problem using SQL. EX3.SAS - SAS example program to solve problem using Data Step. EX1.OUT, EX2.OUT, and EX3.OUT are the results (text files) of running EX1, EX2, and EX3 respectively. STF1BEKS.XPT is the SAS dataset with block data used by the example programs (it is in SAS XPORT format. It should be transferred using binary mode). Note: to save space it just includes block data for Lawrence, Kansas. IMPORT.SAS is an example SAS program that uses PROC COPY to convert an XPORT file to a SAS Dataset. Note that the programs will run much faster if indicies are created for fields used in where clauses. More on Using SAS to serve WWW forms (poster example)A functioning example from this paper is no longer available. The SAS
code and sample htm file arestill available.
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