Connecting SAS to the World Wide Web - Forms Across the Internet

This is no longer a working example. Orginal text is shown below. For more information, please contact Larry Hoyle at

Updated 3/27/2002.

This is the example for a paper to be presented to the 1994 MidWest SAS Users Group Conference September 25-27 1994 in Omaha. When you press "Go Get It", your selections will be passed to a SAS job which extracts 1990 Census data from a SAS dataset and sends it back to you in the form you requested. You must have a PostScript viewer such as Ghostscript in order to view a shaded PostScript map generated by this form. Click here for information on how to find Ghostscript.

Please select a variable

  • Live Births.
  • Deaths.
  • Food Stamp recipients.
  • Median Home Value.
  • Median Age.
  • Per Capita Income.
  • Per Capita Sales Tax.
  • Population.
  • Population Density.
  • Precipitation.
  • Pupil Teacher Ratio.
  • Total Value Field Crops ($million).
  • Please select a format

  • HTML table.
  • fixed ascii file for spreadsheet input (use with "load to disk").
  • PostScript map (must have PostScript viewer - see above).
  • List the SAS Program.

  • To receive your information, press this button: .

    Larry Hoyle,, Institute for Public Policy and Business Research, University of Kansas