Response Outreach Area Mapper (ROAM)
Click on a census tract to identify its Low Response Score (predicted mail non-response rate) and other demographic and socio-economic information.
Census Engagement Navigator
Interactive map with 2010 Census Mail Return Rate by state, county, or census tract. Dashboard provides population, poverty, educational attainment, and more.
2020 Hardest to Count (HTC) Map
Developed by City University of New York's Graduate Center, the HTC map highlights the hardest to count census tracts to allow communities to prioritize their efforts.
Language Map
Interactive map showing the percent of population with a limited ability to speak English by census tract.
Type of Enumeration Area (TEA) Map
Map illustrating the methods the Census Bureau will use to invite participation in the 2020 Census.
Mail Contact Strategies Viewer
Map showing mail contact strategy (internet first and internet choice) in each Census Tract.
The American Voting Population
Story map from ESRI on the voting age population and voters in the U.S.
Kansas Counts StoryMap
Story map highlighting the importance of the 2020 Census and tools for local complete count committees.
Kansas Counts Social Media Messaging
Social media posts (text and images) to help local communities promote the 2020 Census.
Kansas Counts: The Census Returns
Promotional video from Kansas Counts explaining the importance of the 2020 Census for Kansas.
2020 Census Made Simple
This video combines 5 PSA's from the Census Bureau describing the 2020 Census.
2020 "Everyone Counts!" Story and Activity Book
This playful, activity-filled book explains the 2020 Census and the importance of counting everyone. Available in English and Spanish.
People Powered Fair Maps
Report and brochure from the League of Women Voters in Kansas on the importance of the 2020 Census and Redistricting in Kansas